Public cloud B2B solutions have special advantages when it comes to transportation execution and tracking. These solutions offer a large preexisting network of shippers and carriers already connected to the platform, which means key supply chain partners are apt to find it easier to provide visibility to each other. And these solutions offer a record of marketplace transactions that greatly reduces “he said, she said” type arguments surrounding supply chain contracts.
But the problem that almost all Internet sites and web enabled applications share is ensuring that the system can’t be hacked.  Building unbreachable systems is virtually impossible. It is true that software that resides on site at a company is far more vulnerable than “platform” software (public or private clouds). That is because Cloud software providers do security patching on an ongoing basis.
In contrast, for applications that reside at a corporate site, over 80 percent of breaches involved systems where security patches had been available for at least one year; 75 percent of breaches went undiscovered for weeks or months. But while B2B sites are harder to hack, if they are hacked it is not just one company’s data that is exposed, but everyone that has used that marketplace.
Companies are investing billions in protecting their systems and training their employees. But according to several surveys cybersecurity remains one of the CEO’s biggest worries. It is also always a top concern for supply chain executives worried about building more robust supply chain resiliency capabilities. And it should be. It is clear that teams of savvy hackers working together can hack almost any system they want to.
So it was with great interest that I listened to Mika Lammi of Kouvola Innovation explain to me last week how blockchain technology could be used to create robust tendering and visibility that can be wholly trusted. Mr. Lammi is the Head of IoT Business Development at Kouvola.  Kouvola has asked a European Union development fund to finance a proof of concept on how this technology could be used to build robust and secure transportation execution and visibility. IBM is a key partner in this endeavor.  They expect to hear whether they get this grant in the next few weeks.
Blockchain is the core technology that is used to enable Bitcoins. Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the payment and transfer of funds. The bitcoin network is a currency operating independently of any central bank, which has made it controversial.

Unlike a bank’s ledger, which is centralized and private (if not breached), the blockchain is public and distributed widely. Anyone can download a copy of it. Identities are protected by clever cryptography; beyond that the system is entirely transparent. As well as keeping track of who owns bitcoin today, the blockchain is a record of who has owned every bitcoin since its inception.